Tag: Ammunition

  • Proposition 63 and FFLs

    Proposition 63 and FFLs

    We are a few months in to 2018, which, in California, means a few months in to the ammunition regulations found in Propositions 63. As of January 1, 2018, all ammunition sales must happen face-to-face with an FFL dealer or licensed ammunition vendor in the state of California. It is no longer legal to buy ammunition online or via catalogue, and have the items shipped unless it goes through an FFL or licensed ammunition vendor and picked up in person by the customer.

    Proposition 63 and FFLs

    Proposition 63 & FFLs

    Since the revealing of Proposition 63, California has seen a huge uptick in applications for licensed ammunition vendors. Unfortunately, it’s being reported that the state was not prepared to process and approve the influx of applications they have been receiving. Meaning, many folks sit in limbo waiting for their application to be approved before they can sell ammunition. Establishments that are California Licensed Firearms Dealers are automatically considered a licensed ammunition vendor without having to submit for addition licensing. This has made the transition into these new regulations much smoother at Lambert Pawn as we have been licensed by California for many years as a firearms dealer.

    What is an FFL?

    As gun owners and enthusiasts settle into the numerous new “rules” of Proposition 63, a lot of people are wondering, “What is an FFL and why are they now a part of my ammunition purchase?” In short, FFL stands for Federal Firearms License. Holding an FFL allows a person or organization to legally take part in the manufacturing, selling or importation of firearms and ammunition with application and approval from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The California state government doesn’t stop there as they require additional application measures and contingencies beyond what the federal government requires, including a yearly license renewal.

    Why are FFLs Required?

    Now that you have a short description of what it means to be “FFL”, we can move on to the second question on everyone’s mind. Why do FFLs have to be personally involved in my firearm transaction? The long and short of it is California is using these new requirements to keep a closer eye on who is buying ammunition. Now when purchases are made, a licensed firearms dealer will require the purchaser to show proof of residency and a gun safety certificate. The FFL is also required to demonstrate safe handling skills for the gear in question. FFLs are also mandated reporters of lost or stolen firearms. This means, fewer stolen guns being sold online or person to person (assuming the purchaser is law-abiding).

    No matter your take or opinion on the new laws and processes in place, they are in fact in place and unlawful to ignore.

    Have more questions on Proposition 63? We have answers for you in this blog post.

  • Target Ammunition Vs. Defense Rounds

    Target Ammunition Vs. Defense Rounds

    The most common misconception we find with new gun owners surrounds ammunition. Regardless of whether the owner is planning to take up target shooting, hunting or looking for a means of self-defense, they seem to believe that when it comes to ammunition, they can simply look at the size and cost to make their choice. Not only is that information not true, but it can be dangerous! We’ve previously talked about the  ammunitions needs for hunting purposes, so today we want to explain the differences and purposes between target ammunition and defense rounds.

    Target Ammunition vs Defense Rounds

    Target Ammunition vs Defense Rounds

    Target ammunition is much less expensive than defense rounds, which is why some novice and even advanced shooters will choose target ammunition over defense rounds for their carry weapon. Unfortunately, not all ammunition is created equal, and if you ever need to use your weapon for self-defense you may end up in trouble. Most target ammunition is lightweight with a soft interior (usually lead material) surrounded by a full metal jacket. They are less expensive to produce and therefore cheaper to purchase.

    While target ammunition may be less expensive, it is also less effective because of its design. Target ammunition will not expand or fragment when it hits a target simply because that is not what it is designed to do. Whereas defense rounds are specifically manufactured to create damage to the object or target that it hits. Commonly called hollow-point projectiles, these bullets feature a cavity on the tip of the bullet. This cavity, or hollow-point, causes the bullet to expand upon impact causing a significantly higher amount of damage than a bullet meant for target practice will. In fact, the purpose of the hollow-point goes even farther than to create damage. When the tip of the bullet expands, it makes it much more likely to stay within the target, keeping it from wounding others in the surrounding area. Target ammunition will not cause the same amount of damage as seen with defense rounds nor will it inflict the same amount of pain to the target you are trying to defend yourself or your family against. Even worse, because it is a close-nosed projectile, it will likely fly straight through the target hitting other objects or people nearby. Not the damage you are hoping to create when you are on the defense.

    We all hope that we will never have to use our carry weapon for self-defense. But if you do, make sure you defend yourself with ammo that will stop the threat and keep those around you safe. If you are having trouble choosing the right ammunition for target practice or for your carry weapon, we are happy to help match you to the best fit. Our selection of ammunition can match the right purpose, size and price for every gun and its owner.

  • Differences in Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns and their Ammunition

    Differences in Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns and their Ammunition

    With the rollout of California’s Proposition 63 starting in just a few weeks, we thought it would be helpful to go through the differences between rifles, shotguns and handguns, and the ammunition required for each.

    differences in rifles handguns and shotguns and their ammunition

    Differences in Rifles, Handguns and Shotguns

    You may or may not know that the essential difference between these 3 firearms are their barrels. Rifles have thick spiraling grooves cut into the bore of the gun. Shotguns are long and smooth on the inside of the barrel, and made from thin steel. Handguns are actually very similar to rifles; they also have grooved patterns cut into the inside of the barrel. The difference between rifles and handguns is simply the length of the bore.

    Next we will cover the reasons for these differences and what each gun is intended for.

    Rifles, Handguns and Shotguns & their Ammunition

    Rifles and Handguns

    The spiraling grooves on the inside of the bore of a rifle or handgun causes bullets to spin upon firing. The spin is essential to the accuracy of a shot but also aids in a bullet’s ability to reach a greater distance. Of course, the accuracy of a shot greatly depends on the skill of the shooter. However, the rifle or handgun model also can have an impact.

    The size of a gun’s bore indicates what caliber bullet the firearm requires. It is important to know that while caliber size may be universal to the size of the bore, cartridges are not interchangeable to every firearm. Every rifle and handgun are designed for a specific cartridge. You will need to look at the firearm’s data stamp to determine what type of cartridge is required. If you cannot find the data stamp, bring it in to Lambert Pawn and we can help you find the right ammunition.


    The ammunition fired by a shotgun is not exactly a single bullet at all, but instead hundreds of tiny particles formed into a shell, that disperse upon firing. Shotguns are a popular choice for home defense purposes as they are meant for short to medium range distances and their ability to create a large amount of damage without a high skill of accuracy from the shooter. However, many also enjoy bird hunting with smaller gauge shotguns.

    Unlike rifles and handguns, shotgun ammunition is referred to in gauges. Common shotgun gauges are 10-gauge, 12-gauge, 16-gauge, 20-gauge and 28-gauge, with 10 gauge being the largest size and getting smaller from there. Shotgun ammunition is referred to as shells. Shells are not interchangeable among different gauge sizes (i.e. a 10-gauge shotgun can only shoot 10-gauge ammunition). To find the gauge of a particular shotgun, you can look on the rear of the barrel. Ammunition or shells should display their gauge on the shell itself.

    Determining the right ammunition for your firearm is not only potentially confusing or possibly intimidating if you are a first-time gun owner, but it is also critical. Using the incorrect ammunition with firearms can cause an explosion and will likely harm you and the people around you. People have died from firing their gun with the incorrect ammunition. Please do not take this lightly.

    If you need help matching your firearm to the correct ammunition come in to Lambert Pawn and we will be happy to assist.

  • Lead-Free Ammunition

    Lead-Free Ammunition

    By 2019, lead-free ammunition will be required for all hunting. If you’re wondering what the big deal is over lead ammunition or are worried how lead-free ammunition will impact your hunt, then this article is for you.

    Lead-Free Ammunition

    Why Lead-Free Ammunition?

    Lead ammunition has been used in hunting and sport shooting since what seems like forever because it is easy to make at an affordable price. It is true that lead-free ammunition is a bit more expensive, but the positives most definitely outweigh the negatives.

    Lead-free ammunition ensures the highest quality meat from your hunt.

    Lead bullets leave harmful remnants throughout the meat as it passes through an animal. The particles left behind are so small that they are impossible to find or remove; however it is still dangerous to ingest. Some skeptics argue that lead-free bullets are less effective, but science can prove otherwise. Performance-wise, lead-free bullets made from copper or gilded metal have a better weight retention and penetration, which means the bullets can crush bone and create the organ and tissue damage you want during a hunt. Lead-free bullets also do not fragment like lead bullets do, which means that when it hits the animal, it has retained more energy and can therefore pass more energy on to the animal and create more internal damage. Documentation also shows that because of lead-free bullets weight and lack of fragmentation, it is more likely to create a large exit wound, which leaves a better trail of blood allowing for a more likely recovery.

    Lead-free is safer for everyone.

    Beyond the concerns of lead remnants in your food is the negative impact lead ammunition has on the environment. If you are an avid hunter, we can only assume you are a nature lover. So, you will be happy to know that using lead-free ammunition will result in the elimination of secondary loss of wildlife. With lead bullets, you run the risk of remnants from the ammunition be left at the scene of the hunt where it can potentially be ingested by other wildlife. It is a well-known fact that lead bullets unintentionally kill bald eagles and other wildlife from the harmful lead remnants left behind.

    Not so much of a conservationist? That’s fine, but think about the dust residue from lead ammunition that you are inhaling during your hunts. Or that your children are inhaling on your hunts. Due to the change in law come 2019, you can already find more and more calibers and weights of lead-free bullets. We carry a wide variety of lead-free ammunition at Lambert Pawn currently and will continue to expand our selection to meet your ammunition needs.

  • California Proposition 63

    California Proposition 63

    If you are a licensed gun owner in the state of California, you’ve likely heard of Proposition 63. Proposition 63 places stronger requirements on the purchase and possession of ammunition. While there is strong support for the new law, there is also a strong voice of opposition. Opponents to the law argue that the law violates the rights of the second amendment. Regardless, the law is still on track to take effect beginning January 1, 2018.

    California Proposition 63

    California Proposition 63

    In summary, Proposition 63 states that as of January 1, 2018, it will be illegal to purchase ammunition, reloading bullets and brass, magazines and speed loaders via the internet or mail orders without shipping to a licensed dealer. However, there is more to the law that will affect gun owners as well as ammunition dealers, like Lambert Pawn. Here is what you need to know about the law.

    • A background check will be required in order to purchase ammunition in California
    • Dealers must obtain a 1-year license from the Department of Justice (DOJ)
    • Purchasing ammunition out-of-state and returning with the purchased ammunition to California will risk a misdemeanor charge
    • In order to give or sell personal ammunition to another individual, owners will need to seek out a licensed dealer to act as a middle-man and essentially oversee the transfer.

    Essentially, the state of California is trying to ensure background checks are taking place and that the individuals verifying the checks are also verified (licensed) through the Department of Justice. The law was introduced and passed with the hope that it will keep guns and ammunition out of the wrong hands by closing loopholes in existing gun laws. Supporters of the law say that the law does in fact protect the rights of law-abiding citizens’ abilities to bear arms as allowed by the second amendment.

    Lambert Pawn is a proud dealer of guns and ammunition and is licensed by the Department of Justice. We look forward to partnering with you for all your ammunition needs and are happy to answer any questions regarding the new law and required background checks for the purchase of ammunition.