
  • Great Savings Begin Thanksgiving Weekend

    Great Savings Begin Thanksgiving Weekend

    Great Savings Begin Thanksgiving Weekend

    The Christmas shopping season has already started, but deals on jewelry, gold, luxury handbags, and designer watches may not start until Thanksgiving weekend.

    Holiday Shopping

    Thanksgiving Holiday

    In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag shared an autumn feast harvest, marking the results of their efforts during the previous summer months. Plymouth colonists were members of Plymouth Rock became the first English community in modern-day New-England. The pilgrims crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the May Flower in 1620.

    Agriculture, fishing, and trading helped the small community survive, and even though it did not become a robust community like some other colonies, the colonists prevailed.

    The colonists arrived in Plymouth Rock and spent most of the first winter onboard the Mayflower to protect them from the harsh winter. The Mayflower sailed back to England in April 1621 and once the group moved ashore, the colonists faced even more challenges.

    Without the help of the native people, none of the colonists would have survived.

    An English-speaking Abenaki named Samoset helped the colonists form an alliance with the local Wampanoags,. The native people taught the colonists how to hunt local animals, gather shellfish and grow corn, beans and squash. 

    Most of the survivors were men because few women survived the harsh winter. Only 53 passengers and half the crew survived. Nineteen women boarded the Mayflower, and 5 survived.

    At the end of the next summer, the Plymouth colonists celebrated their first successful harvest. The celebration took place over a three-day festival of Thanksgiving. The celebration didn’t occur on the fourth Thursday in November like it does today. It was sometime between late September and mid November 1621.

    The native Wampanoags outnumbered the colonists two to one at the Thanksgiving meal.

    Holiday shopping

    The Thanksgiving dinner consisted of a freshly killed deer, assorted wildfowl, and cod and bass. There was various native corn, eaten as corn bread and porridge.

    When Was Thanksgiving Officially a Holiday

    Religious Thanksgiving services were held informally throughout the years and there wasn’t a presidential proclamation marking Thanksgiving as an official holiday in the United States until the Civil War of the 1860s. In the midst of the Civil War in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the national holiday. The holiday was to be held on the last Thursday of November. Since 1863, Thanksgiving has been observed as an annual tradition in the United States.

    In 1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the official holiday to the second to last Thursday in November purely for economic reasons. The United States was in the middle of the Great Depression and retailers were suffering. Roosevelt hoped the shift in timing would give shoppers more time to hit the stores before Christmas. Consumers were not pleased and called the day “Franksgiving.” In 1941, he changed the date back to the last Thursday in November.

    Holiday shopping

    Thanksgiving Traditions

    Each community, family, and place in society establishes their own unique traditions. Traditions like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or watching a holiday parade, eating roast turkey for dinner or sharing a traditional feast which includes cranberry sauce, and sharing what you are thankful for are all part of the celebrations.

    There are now many variations since the original Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving traditions like volunteering for those less fortunate, turkey trot games, and parades are some ways the Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated.

    Another Thanksgiving weekend adventure is shopping Black Friday.

    Black Friday Sales on Thanksgiving weekend

    Black Friday is a shopping day for a combination of reasons. Clear back to when President Roosevelt tried to change Thanksgiving Day to the Thursday prior, retailers and many stores have used Thanksgiving weekend as the first official Christmas shopping day and last major holiday before Christmas.

    The Friday after Thanksgiving has unofficially marked the beginning of the shopping season. Many employers give their employees the day off as part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend which helps with the number of people choosing the day as a shopping day.

    Public transit systems do not usually run on their regular timetables, and offices are closed.

    Today Black Friday is equivalent to shopping mania.

    Holiday shopping

    The History Behind Black Friday

    The term “Black Friday” was first used during the crash of the U.S. gold market on September 14, 1869. The stock market was sent into a tail spin, and many stores, small businesses, and many retailers went bankrupt.

    In the 1950s, police used the term Black Friday to describe the utter chaos that happened after Thanksgiving. Cities were flooded with suburban shoppers and tourists. Police had to work extra long shifts to control shoplifters who made off with merchandise because of the bedlam in stores.

    By 1961, Black Friday had not only caught on in Philadelphia, but also tried to rename the day Big Friday. The term never stuck.

    In the 80s, Black Friday was reinvented from the negative characteristic of police trying to control crime due to the heavy shopping day, and turned the term into something positive.

    American stores, many retailers, and small businesses finally began to make a profit.

    People often forget about the roots of Black Friday deals starting in Philadelphia, and today the one-day sales bonanza has grown into a four-day event, and early deals, online deals, and more. Black Friday is only one part of the Thanksgiving weekend activities.

    To provide a convenient shopping experience to attract more shoppers, businesses will have extended hours, may have deals and discounts, and treat their customers with tender care, such as offering to wrap presents.


    Holiday shopping

    Cyber Monday

    If shopping the Black Friday sales wasn’t enough, Cyper Monday gained the shopping frenzy in 2005. Coined by the National Retail Federation (NRF), Cyber Monday is one of the largest online shopping days of the year. By 2008, consumers found online shopping easy, and retail shops found it bridged the gap between expenses and paying them.

    Online shops eagerly list big ticket items and smaller items with great discounts. Because online shops are easily accessible for computers, tablets, and smartphones, nearly half of holiday browsing and purchasing takes place online.

    Small Business Saturday

    On November 27, 2010, American Express started a campaign “Small Business Saturday.” The focus was to help small businesses gain exposure and prompt consumers to shop within their local market. This would help small businesses in their own communities.

    Many holiday sales are launched on the Thanksgiving weekend. Smaller stores, pawn shops, and local specialty shops will run sales on Small Business Saturday, so people can wield their purchasing power and get the best prices.

    Lambert Pawn

    Lambert Pawn is located in Whittier, CA. They are a trusted pawn shop and have amazing deals. Conveniently open 6 days a week, the shop is a full service, California licensed pawn shop.

    With over 25 years of experience as pawnbrokers, they have dedicated their shop to helping consumers get the most money when they need fast money. They will loan on almost anything of value.

    They loan, buy, sell, and trade valuable items like gold jewelry, platinum and silver, diamonds and precious stones, luxury handbags, name-brand electronics, musical instruments and tools.

    Creating a more convenient shopping experience, they will give you a quick quote if you send a picture and description of what you would like to bring in for sale or pawn. This way, you don’t even have to leave your home.

  • Necklace Charms, Pendants, Charm Bracelets, and Charm Necklaces Are Wonderful Christmas Gifts

    Necklace Charms, Pendants, Charm Bracelets, and Charm Necklaces Are Wonderful Christmas Gifts

    Necklace Charms, Pendants, Charm Bracelets, and Charm Necklaces Are Wonderful Christmas Gifts

    It may be difficult to find the perfect gift for your loved ones. Finding the right items that will make their holiday special at an affordable price is a challenge. You may want to consider a charm necklace, charm bracelet, or charms for your honey. Fun to give and fun to wear, these fine jewelry pieces come in all styles, and you can find them with sapphire, ruby, diamonds, and various symbols and inscriptions.

    Charm Bracelet

    What are Charms?

    Charms are typically worn on a bracelet. A gold charm bracelet makes a great gift and tells a story about the owner’s life. Charms are placed on a gold or sterling silver chain as mementos of accomplishments, special memories, and testimonies to special pets, people, and hobbies.

    There is a new trend to give a charm necklace to someone special, so they can add charms that represent a special occasion in their life or other important things. These gifts are great, because future gift giving is easy. Give them a new charm.

    The difference between a charm and a pendant is that, until recently, charms tend to be worn on bracelets and anklets. Now dainty charms are used on necklaces.

    charm bracelet

    History of Charms

    Charms date back to ancient history, when people wore them was protection from evil spirits or bad luck. Charms were made of shells, animal-bones, clay, gems, rocks, and wood.

    Today charms are worn on bracelets, anklets, and necklaces.


    How are Charms Worn?

    To wear more than one charm on a necklace, you can start with a charm placed to the farthest left, and slide each charm onto the necklace, placing them from left to right. When you hold up the charm necklace, the clasp will be in your right hand, and the charms will face out, ready to be worn.

    Charms can be worn as a single charm or multiple. They are usually 4mm-20mm in size and dangle freely.

    Charms on a bracelet are placed on the chain with jump rings. Take a pair of pliers to hold the jump ring, and a second pair to twist the ring apart. Slip the charm onto the ring, and then into a bracelet link, closing the jump ring completely to secure the charm.

    There are all types of charms. Charms for graduation, birthstone charms with small gems, hobby charms, chars with initials and logos. The variety is huge. Charms are versatile as a person’s story.

    Charm necklaces and bracelets are a great way to spend the day with grand children. You can tell stories about the collection of charms on your necklace or bracelet, and help them understand your story.

    Charms captures a moment in time to share later. They are magnificent gifts. 

    Lambert Pawn

    With the growing concern about prices in the stores, shopping for Christmas could be expensive. If you are considering giving fine jewelry, a luxury watch, a designer handbag, a charm necklace or bracelet or other high-end piece, consider shopping at a pawn shop.

    Pawn shops have a large inventory of quality pre-owned items. You will feel at home shopping for a gift at Lambert Pawn. The team is friendly and knowledgeable. They are eager to find what you are looking for and carry several interesting things to choose from.

    Maybe you are looking for a white gold engagement set, they will probably have one. If you are looking for unisex gifts like gaming consoles and collectibles, they may have the things you want.

    You can always text or call ahead to save yourself a trip. They are happy to help find you a gift for any occasion.

    If you need fast cash and aren’t sure where to turn, Lambert Pawn offers short-term collateral loans. They offer a 0% loan up to $1500 for 4 months for new borrowers.

    Lambert Pawn is a full service California pawn shop, and they are licensed. Serving the cities of Whittier, Rowland Heights, El Rancho, Hacienda Heights, La Habra Heights, East Whittier, and La Habra, CA.

    They pride themselves in providing financial services in a fast and courteous manner. With 25 years of combined experience in the pawn industry, they have the flexibility to lend you the maximum dollar amount on almost anything of value.

    They are open six days a week, and you can call, text, or email for a free quote. Bring your item into the store, and they are happy to help.


  • Looking For Used Designer Bags For Gifts – Look No More

    Looking For Used Designer Bags For Gifts – Look No More

    Looking For Used Designer Bags For Gifts – Look No More

    There is indeed an art in picking out the perfect gift for your sister, wife, mother, or daughter for the holidays. Pre owned items like Rolex, previously worn gold jewelry, designer purses, or other designer goods are a great option.

    Browsing the online stores, shops, and websites, you will find that this holiday season things may be in shorter supply and cost more money. The price of something may get you down, but don’t let it. Shop around and consider pre owned bags, clothing, brands, and other favorites from your local pawn shop.

    If you live in Whittier, Santa Ana, or Los Angeles, CA, Lambert Pawn Shop is close by, and they have Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi, and other authenticated handbags ready for you to purchase. You can get pre loved handbags at a discount.

    A Louis Vuitton Handbag is a gift that keeps giving.

    Louis Vuitton bags, a Louis Vuitton tote bag, and a Louis Vuitton backpack aren’t a gift that is here today and gone tomorrow. Because of the quality craftsmanship, premium material used, and iconic style, these bags last forever in the fashion world, and they are a brand that turns heads.

    If you are opting for a luxury gift, at a fraction of the cost of new, shop at Lambert Pawn Shop.

    Luxury Handbags

    The History of Louis Vuitton is Symonous with Quality

    Looking back to 1859, Louis Vuitton opened a shop outside of Paris with 20 employees, and by 1900 he employed over 100 people. The company expanded quickly due to its craftsmanship and focus on protecting goods when customers traveled.

    In 1886, Louis Vuitton and his son designed a single lock system for their trucks, with two spring buckles still used today. Did you know that Harry Houdini was unable to escape from a Louis Vuitton box and lock?

    By 1925, a dome-shaped designer purse was designed for personal use, and the demand for these bags was huge. turning the page and visiting the 1990s, the company began to make significant waves in the fashion industry. In 1997, Marc Jacobs designed the first ready-to-wear handbag line.

    In the 2000s, the designer purse spoke to the younger generation and offered limited-edition bags to satisfy every customers’ appetites. The Louis Vuitton handbag goes with every wardrobe. It is a fashion statement.

    Designers in the company take painstaking precision to ensure that the handbags represent the company’s quality. Doing so provides customers with a luxury handbag as a timeless piece that will never go out of style. It is a bag that keeps on giving.

    In 2007, Louis Vuitton makes the Neverfull Tote a Louis Vuitton tote bag that seems to have been around forever. One of Louis Vuitton’s all-time best selling bags. The monogram tote has a space for everything you need to carry. With its endless iterations, the everyday tote has become one of Louis Vuitton’s all-time most successful and best-selling bags. It is now considered a true classic.

    Louis Vuitton Pre-owned Bags can save you money when you shop at Lambert Pawn Shop

    If you want to save some time and cash, shop the luxury items at Lambert Pawn Shop. They have gold jewelry, bullion, designer bags, luxury watches, diamonds, and other name brand pre loved goods that would make perfect gifts.

    You will also discover if you need a bit of cash for and un-expected emergency they can help with this too. They offer short term collateral loans without a credit check. You just have to bring in a luxury item, and they will appraise it and set you up with the cash you need.

    With a list located on their website, you can decide what to clear out of your closet and bring in. Women often have a luxury closet at home filled with previously worn but now unused items. Maybe it’s time to liquidate these and make room to trade them for the new gifts you will get.

    Lambert Pawn is a trusted pawn shop, offering full pawn services. They carry a large selection of pre loved items for you to choose from for the holidays for the women in your life. Why spend more when you can shop at Lambert?

  • 10-10-10 – Pawn Shops with Layaway Near Me

    10-10-10 – Pawn Shops with Layaway Near Me

    10-10-10 – Pawn Shops with Layaway Near Me

    There are eleven Fridays until Christmas, 75 days, and ten more weeks. The 2022 holiday season is expected to start earlier this year, around mid October. Walk into a department store, and you can see the Christmas decorations, trees, and lights already filling the back shelves. Once Halloween is finished, the holiday shopping season will go into full swing.

    The economy is a bit turbulent, and the rising cost of fuel and goods, problems with delivery and supply chains, and employee shortages could make finding the perfect gift a challenge.

    Paychecks don’t seem to go as far as they did in previous years and shoppers will need to be creative to meet their gift giving ideas.

    Pawn Loan

    There was a 40 year all time high in inflation in August 2022, and you and everyone else noticed it. The June consumer price index, which measures changes in the cost of food, housing, gasoline, utilities, and other goods, reported that the cost of good rose by 8.3% over the past 12 months in August. This represented a 40-year high.

    The pandemic caused a shock to the world economy, impacted supply chains, and there were major delays in shipping. Labor shortages have added to the problem. Deliveries are delayed, and there are long lines at the check out stands because there isn’t enough help. Prices continue to rise, affecting everyone’s budget.

    Inflation isn’t going to last forever, but for families it seems like it will. You may be living on a tighter budget with very little room to spare. There isn’t a crystal ball predicting when prices will return to normal.

    Holiday shopping will be affected.

    Diamond Rings

    Ways to Shop for the Holidays on a Budget

    E-commerce and online:

    E-commerce and online shopping continue to grow. About 20% of all retail sales will come from online shopping and digital channels. Many big box stores and malls have closed, making shopping online an option for finding the gifts you want to give.

    Front door delivery, curb side pickups, and personal shoppers all help with convenience. About 76% of consumers shop online. Large department stores and some mom and pop stores have revived their retail presence by opening online stores and website presence.

    Deals, “Opt ins,” and discounts

    Some retailers may decrease their margins to encourage customers to buy from them. They will send text messages, emails, and other engaging communication to offer consumers deals and discounts to gain business. If you are looking for a particular item, this may be an option to save money.

    It always amazes me how many people shop on senior discount day at a local store. Who’s kidding who I shop on the day to get the discount and end up buying more than I initially planned on.

    These marketing campaigns work for the business, but also for the consumer if you shop wisely.

    Plan ahead for shortages

    Supply chain shortages are evident when you go to the store. Planning ahead is important if you are planning on a certain gift for a special someone. There are “opt-in” opportunities to receive a notification when a certain product becomes available. This will save you time and money by not making unnecessary trips to try and find the special gift you are looking for.

    Take advantage of loyalty campaigns

    Text blasts, campaigns, emails, and other forms of marketing will create a transparent process between you, the consumer, and the business you are buying from. Keeping informed is important for most people, and in today’s shopping world, this hasn’t gone unnoticed. Chatbots, automated text messages, and automated callbacks have made instant information possible.

    Businesses are improving their marketing efforts to reel in prospective customers and turn them into loyal customers. Take advantage of their efforts and shop at businesses willing to save you money.

    Think about pawn shop layaway programs 10-10-10

    Many communities have pawn shops, and pawn shops near you may offer a layaway program. Pawn shops ask for a percentage down, and then monthly payments until the total price of your purchase is paid in full, typically within ten months.

    Layaway programs help you shop for and purchase pawn items while they are available. Pawn shops bring in quality luxury items suitable for gift giving. They have gold jewelry, silver jewelry, fine jewelry, diamonds, name brand electronics or tools, luxury handbags, and designer watches, pawn shops have them all. These preowned beauties are available at affordable prices.

    Layaway Program Process

    1. Select the item or items you want to purchase

    2. Set up a layaway account with the pawnbroker

    3. Pay a down payment according to the pawn shops layaway program

    4. Establish a monthly due date and pay on time

    5. Determine how long your items will be on layaway, so you get them in time to give

    The layaway process is simple basic process, and sometimes pawn shops charge a cancellation fee or restocking fee, so make sure you understand the terms. Monthly payments can be as low as ten percent of the total purchase plus fees and the payment varies depending on the items purchased. The layaway plan is for a specific amount of time, typically ten months, thus 10-10-10.

    Pawn shops authenticate and appraise items before they go out on the retail floor or into the shop’s online inventory. The basic process in the pawn shop who offer layaway is honest and forthright. Pawn shops wouldn’t stay in business long if they cheated people or bought and sold fake items.

    Setting up a layaway program and determining when the final payment is due will help you have special gifts set aside and paid for through small payments throughout the fall months.

    Determining what your purchases add up to and how much the small fee is to have a layaway program account all enters into what your layaway plans look like. In some situations, having a layaway plan means interest free purchasing in most stores, which helps save money, and the shops don’t require a credit check.

    Lambert Pawn in Whittier, CA

    Lambert Pawn is a full service California Licensed pawn shop located in the beautiful city of Whittier, CA.

    They are dedicated to helping you with all your money needs and shopping desires. They offer a 10-10-10 layaway program to help you shop for the holidays.

    They have over 25 years of combined experience as pawnbrokers and have flexibility to lend or pawn the maximum dollar amount possible on anything of value.

    They buy, loan, sell, and trade on items including gold jewelry, platinum and silver, diamonds, and precious metals. They will layaway most items. Take some pressure off your holiday shopping needs and work with Lambert Pawn.

  • Where Can I Sell My Musical Instruments Near Me?

    Where Can I Sell My Musical Instruments Near Me?

    Where Can I Sell My Musical Instruments Near Me?

    With school starting and the holidays around the corner, have you ever wondered if you can buy or sell musical instruments?

    Before taking the leap, here are a few things you should know before buying or selling musical instruments and musical equipment at your local pawn shop. If you keep reading, you will find out what steps you should take to get the most for your dollar.

    Buy Used Musical Instruments Whittier CA

    Selling musical instruments

    Most pawn shops will offer you a decent price for your gently used instrument. In general, they will offer 40-60% of the value. Taking it to a certified appraiser, such as a music shop or music store, is a great resource to determine a fair price that the musical instrument is worth, netting you the best price from pawn shops.

    Also, pawn shops will appraise musical instruments and understand that different instruments have different values.

    Another great tip is to present any accessories you may have, strings, cases, etc. This can help you get the best value for music gear that you may want to liquidate. Selling your musical instruments with original paperwork, cases, and even music books can bring you a great price.

    Pawn shops have great customer service and can offer fair prices and quick cash when you want to sell or pawn musical instruments for quick cash. If you are looking at purchasing musical instruments, they can be a valuable and great resource you may have never considered. They are in the business of having affordable pricing.

    musical equipment

    Buying musical equipment from a local pawn shop is a great way to go.

    My husband, who is a professional musician, bought several high end guitars, a nice electric guitar, drums, and even a flute from our local pawn shop. Why? Because the pawn shops have quality instruments and several to choose from.

    He has even several times found used gear in near perfect condition that was sold at a fair price. Many of which he still uses today.

    Different pawn shops have different brands available, and you have to take the time to look, and find a musical instrument that suits your needs and budget.

    Musical Instrument

    Most local pawn shops offer different instruments, many of which carry electric guitars, drums, violins, and of course the beautiful flutes.

    While many more types of instruments are offered, these are just a few that came to mind. Most music stores offer sheet music to help you explore your musical dream.

    Keep in mind, doing research on what you are looking to either purchase, sell, or pawn can help ensure that you get a fair price.

    What do people search?

    First, remember, what is your end goal, to sell, buy, or pawn your musical instruments or gear? What price range are you looking at if you plan to buy?

    If you are selling musical instruments, how much do you need to get for it? Is there any negotiation or do you have a bottom line?

    If you are purchasing, is this a beginner or advanced player investment?

    With this said, a business like a pawn shop can be a great resource. because you can try the instruments out and save money simultaneously. They have various instruments in stock, and their inventory changes often.

    Do you want to learn to play an electric guitar, but don’t want to spend an arm or leg to know if the instrument suits you? Your local pawn shops are a great place to look. Investing in a new electric guitar would be difficult if you later decide it isn’t for you and you would be better off trying a violin.

    Generally, most pawn shops have a website that you can look at in advance to see if they have the instrument you are interested in and any gear that you may need to facilitate that new adventure. Online shops have quality photos and descriptions of the things they sell. Plus, the fair price they offer can be easy on the budget, especially if you are a beginner into playing musical instruments.

    pawn shops for musical instruments Oud & Lute

    How do I sell my musical instruments?

    First, clean and spruce up the instrument. This will ensure you get the best money for your beauty, and the shop will see that the instrument is a quality, well taken musical piece.

    Bring any and all gear or accessories that you have. This can also help you get the best cash payment your local business can offer you.

    The model of your gear, guitar, or other musical instruments can affect the amount of money you will be offered. All offers are based on fair market value and the current resale market.

    Be confident! Take an example with you, be sure you know the brands you are selling, the value of the gear, accessories, and equipment you want to pawn or sell, and what you concluded the market value is.

    The process is very easy, and generally, your pawn broker will help guide you through the steps so they can offer you top dollar. They will always do their best to get you as much money as possible.

    flute instrument

    Just an example

    Going back to the point that my husband is a professional musician, we have found that if you can demonstrate the sound, functionality, and navigate your musical instrument, it helps the pawn broker easily give you the best price you are looking for. A functioning easily played instrument is music to the pawnbrokers ears.

    Typically, we have been into pawn shops where there is generally one broker that can help navigate musical instruments. They have even taught him a few things, especially when buying a new guitar he has been interested in, yet unfamiliar with.

    Whether looking to buy or sell, shop around and check out Lambert Pawn.

    At Lambert Pawn Shop, they have a musician’s playground where you can shop, sell, and take out a loan against brand name musical instruments. They accept and sell preowned instruments, which are a great alternative to buying new instruments because of the value they offer. Their used instruments provide an inexpensive alternative to new instruments at virtually the same quality. The variety of instruments you will find at their shop changes often. They also carry band instruments, with prices well below music stores.

    Some instruments they sell, pawn, and buy are trumpets, saxophones, flutes, clarinets, violins and recreational instruments like electric and acoustic guitars, bass guitars, amplifiers, drums, mixers, DJ equipment, speakers, and others.

    Guitar Instrument

    At the shop, the model of the musical will change the offer made and what they sell for. Currently, they have a Fender American Pro Stratocaster 2017 Maple Fretboard. The guitar has a modern Deep C Neck Shape and V-Mod Single-Coil Pick-ups. The guitar is in great condition, with the plastic still on the pick-guard.

  • Pawn Shops Buy, Sell, and Pawn Gold and Gold Jewelry

    Pawn Shops Buy, Sell, and Pawn Gold and Gold Jewelry

    Pawn Shops Buy, Sell, and Pawn Gold and Gold Jewelry

    People wonder what the scrap gold price at pawn shop is, or how much pawn shops will pay for gold jewelry, gold earrings, gold items like coins, bullion, and bars, and even sterling silver and silver. Sometimes it feels like liquidating precious metals is a mystery, with all kinds of companies trying to up their profit margin.

    Gold prices are based on the current market value, and the value changes depending on current economic conditions, political affairs, and world events. The spot price or current price of gold fluctuates, so checking what the current gold price is is important before you consider selling your gold. The market price of gold is inversely related to the U.S. dollar.

    The best plan is to sell high and buy low. Understanding how the spot price of gold is calculated is important if you want to understand the good deal you will or won’t get when you sell gold.

    Gold and Diamond Ring

    Purity of Gold and Gold Jewelry

    24k gold is the purest form of gold. It is 99.9% pure. Pure gold is malleable, bright yellow, and scratches easily. Pure gold is mainly used for gold coins, gold bullion, and gold bars. It is so soft that it scratches and bends, so it isn’t the best choice for jewelry.

    18k gold contains 75% gold and 25% other metals like copper or silver. It is lighter in color than pure gold, and is not so easily bent. Some jewelry for personal adornment is made from 18k gold.

    14k gold contains 58.3% pure gold and 41.7% other metal alloys like copper, silver, and nickel. It is the first choice for making jewelry, because it holds its shape, is durable, doesn’t scratch, and is affordable. It has a classic gold appearance, and for personal adornment, it is the top choice for most people.

    10k gold is made up of 41.7% gold and 58.3% alloy. It is durable and used to make jewelry because of its affordability. It is the most impure gold that can remain legally gold in most countries. 10k gold settings can have distinct stones added, so the jewelry stands out in a crowd.

    Jewelry Scale

    No matter what gold pieces you want to liquidate, you need to know how much the jewelry weighs. A jewelry scale is used by professional jewelers, pawn shops, and ordinary people to weigh gold because it weighs to the tenth of a gram. If the jewelry you weigh has stones, the weight of the actual gold in the jewelry will be less.

    Gold is measured in troy ounces. There are 31.1 grams in a troy ounce.

    Gold Coin

    Gold Coins and Bars

    American Eagle Bullion Coins

    In 1986, the American Eagle Bullion Coin Program was launched and started selling American Eagle Gold and Silver Bullion Coins. In 1997, Platinum was added, and by 1917, Palladium was added. The American Eagle Bullion coin has become the most popular bullion coin in the U.S. Each 1 ounce Eagle contains a full 31.1 grams of pure gold. Other alloys are silver and copper bringing the total weight up to 33.9 grams.

    American Buffalo Bullion Coins

    By 2006, under Pubic Law 109-145, the “Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005,” the American Buffalo Bullion Coin was released and is one of the purest gold coins available, with a purity of 24k gold. The act established the guidelines for the coin’s design, production volume, price, legal tender status, gold sourcing, and more.

    The Act instructed that the James Earle Fraser’s designs for the ‘Buffalo Nickel’, which will be used on the obverse and reverse sides of the $50 coin. All the gold needs to be sourced from the U.S. or in a U.S. territory within a year following the month the ore was mined. It designates the coin as legal tender and specifies the coins as ‘numismatic items.’


    Gold Prices

    The price of precious metals is affected by supply and demand, the rate of for the recipient of the metal, the spot price, and the likely cost of storing and transporting the precious metal. The spot price is the price per gram paid at any time. The spot price of gold or other metals is real-time prices.

    The market price of gold fluctuates daily and throughout the day. Suppose there is an increased demand and low supply, and the price increases. Gold price and other metals pricing are also dependent on future contracts. Inflation, economy, world events, and supply and demand contribute to the increase and decrease in the price.

    Bullion is valued by the value of the precious metal it is made of. The most common forms of bullion are bars and ingots, and coins. Bullion comes in gold, silver, and other metals, and gold bars are easily added to investment portfolios for a balanced portfolio.

    Bullion and bars are also easy to store and don’t take up much room.

    How to tell if gold is real

    Do You Want to Sell Your Gold Jewelry, Gold Coins, Gold Items?

    If you looked in your closet and jewelry box and identified gold items you want to liquidate and you have educated yourself about the gold market and how to buy gold and sell gold, you are ready to sell your jewelry piece for quick cash.

    There are online gold buyers, jewelry stores, and pawn shops who sell gold and buy gold. A pawn shop will also use the value of your gold jewelry to write a secured short-term pawn loan.

    Knowing the exact weight of your gold and what karat it is will help you when you are talking about selling gold. The hallmark number on your gold items may say it is 14k, but the pawn broker will test the gold to make sure it is genuine.

    Shopping online is convenient, but there are some drawbacks. You have to send your gold into the company. They will assess it and make you an offer. You have the expense of postage and insurance to ensure your contents are covered if it gets lost. Sometimes there are non-reputable companies who say that your gold isn’t what it is. After you make a deal the company will send you a check, and you have to wait for the check.

    Sell gold for 95% of melt price

    Pawn Shops

    Pawn shops will buy and sell gold. They are conveniently located in most communities. Most pawn shops have the means to test gold and weigh it accurately, so they can give you a price based on market value. At a pawn shop gold is worth about 25%-90% of its real value. The money is quick but know the terms before you agree to sell gold to them.

    Some pawn shops offer 90% of the actual gold value, and the payment is immediate. Selling gold to a pawn shop is a good deal, especially if you need money fast.

    Pawn brokers understand the gold market and what a gold wedding ring or gold bracelet is worth, or how unused jewelry can be melted into scrap gold that they will send to a refinery for payment. Pawn shops pay a lower price for scrap gold.

    Pawn shops check the gold content of the gold items you bring in, so they can give you the most money for your gold.

    Pawn shops are a great place when buying gold. If you are in the market for a gold bracelet, gold engagement ring, gold earrings or any other gold pieces, check out your local pawn shop. Their inventory changes often so checking back frequently is important.

    Pawn shops also sell gold coins and bullion. Depending on the amount of gold you plan to purchase, will depend on what good deals you can get.

    Lambert Pawn Shop in Whittier CA

    Lambert Pawn In Whittier, CA Will Buy Gold Jewelry, Diamond Jewelry, and Other Precious Metals

    Lambert Pawn is a full service California licensed pawn shop located in Whitttier, CA. With over 25 years of combined experience, they will loan the maximum dollar amount on almost anything of value.

    They loan, buy, sell, and trade on gold jewelry, silver, diamonds, and other precious metals. Additionally, they accept electronics, musical instruments, tools, and name brand sneakers.

    You can click a picture of the item you want to pawn, buy, or sell, and give a description, and get a quote right away. The process is easy.

    Conveniently open six days a week, the pawn brokers will test your gold jewelry, gold, sterling silver, and other valuable items and give you a fair price.

    Maybe you are in the market for gold or a special piece of gold jewelry. Lambert Pawn can help. They sell gold jewelry at affordable prices.

    Lambert Pawn shop will accept valuable items at the pawn shop’s discretion. They pay the most for gold jewelry and gold.

  • “Real Watches For Real People” Is The Oris Watch Slogan

    “Real Watches For Real People” Is The Oris Watch Slogan

    “Real Watches For Real People” Is The Oris Watch Slogan


    An Oris watch is an affordable luxury watch for everyday and average laypersons. The company’s mission was to create a high-quality timepiece that was also affordable. Some not-so-average people, like Vito Spatafore, have been seen wearing a stainless steel Oris XXL Worldtimer. The watch runs on an ETA 2836-2 movement and was first produced in 1997.


    History of Oris Watches

    In 1904, Paul Cattin and Georges Christian contracted with the local mayor in the Swiss town Hölstein and named the company Oris after a nearby brook.

    Only a few years later, the men open an assembly plant and second plant in Holderbank. Oris was a successful watch factory by 1911, and was the largest employer in Hölstein with 300 employees. To sweeten the deal, they built houses and apartments for their workers. Oris was one of the first companies to create equal opportunities for both male and female watchmakers.

    By 1929, the company expanded the number of factories it owned by five.

    The factory in Hevetswil was the only electroplating factory Oris owned. The company began fitting bracelet buckles to its pocket watches, which transformed the piece into a wristwatch.

    Georges Christian dies, and Jacques-David LeCourlre becomes President of the Board of Directors. Jacques-David LeCoultre, the grandson of Antoine LeCoultre, the man who merged with Edmond Jaeger to form Jaeger-LeCoultre in 1937. Oscar Herzog, George Christian’s brother-in-law, took over as the general manager of the company.

    Oscar Herzog, as general manager, had the ambition to improve the quality of his company’s products, but ran into some trouble in 1934 when the Swiss government introduced the “Watch Statute.”

    The “Watch Statue.”

    This was a bit of legislation that prevented watch companies from introducing new technologies without permission. This law was created to protect and regulate the watch industry.

    The Swiss “Watch Statute” prevents Oris from introducing new technology for over thirty years. In 1966, the statute was reversed, laying the foundation for Oris to unveil the Oris Calibre 652 just two years later. The watch uses a superior level escapement. J

    Until that point, Oris had been using pin-lever escapement. This escapement was said to be less accurate than the level escapement used by some of Oris’s competitors. The timing of the statue was impeding, because Oris’s competitors had adopted the level of escapement in their watches before the law was passed.

    In 1938, Oris introduces its first watch for pilots. The watch was identified by its big crown and calendar function. The watch became known as the oversized crown (Big Crown) watch, and it helped pilots wear gloves while trying to adjust their watches.

    World War II marked a decline in distribution for the company. To keep moving forward, the company starts manufacturing alarm clocks. In 1949, the eight day power reserve model was launched.

    During the war, Oris limited its production of alarm clocks to 200,000 a year.

    In 1952, Oris launched the first automatic watch with a power reserve.

    In 1965, the company’s General Manager Oscar Herzog hired a young lawyer named Dr. Rolf Portmann.

    For the next 10 years, the attorney worked on reversing the “Watch Statue”, preventing Oris from using lever escapements in its watch movements. Thrilled, in 1966, he succeeds, earning his place in Swiss watch history. 

    Oris launches a state-of-the-art diver’s watch. The watch was made with a unidirectional rotating bezel with timer scale, bold, luminescent numerals, and water resistance to 100m.

    Fifty years later, the watch is re-released and one of the company’s best launces.

    By the end of the 1960s, Oris was one of the 10 largest watch companies in the world. It produces 1.2 million watches and clocks each year. Oris has an apprenticeship program, training engineers and watchmakers each year, and develops its own tools and machinery to help produce the watches.

    Oris Watch Characteristics

    Value to Cost return:

    Oris watches are not inexpensive, and with this being said, they have a significantly lower price tag compared to other Swiss luxury mechanical watches. The price point of Oris watches allows the average layperson to own luxury watches. on.

    Oris is a symbol of innovation. Being one of the smaller Swiss watchmakers, they have focused on mechanical automation. The watches are complex. They assume a practical design in all their watches, and they don’t compromise functionality for sophistication.

    Environmental Support

    As Oris moves towards designs for the future, they partner with multiple philanthropic organizations to support environmental causes. Oris works with Coral Restoration Foundation, Reef Restoration Foundation, Whale and Dolphin Conservation and others.

    Oris works regularly with the diving community, and the company is invested in the preservation of marine life and spaces.


    Oris is independent and also collaborative. They partner with other individuals to create limited edition timepieces. Watches like the limited edition Carlos Coste Cenote series and their work with various sporting and arts organizations show their dedication to partnerships.

    Some of Oris’s partners include nature photographers, and extreme athletes. Because these partners challenge traditional traditional perspectives on the natural world, it’s a perfect collaboration.

    For example, the Roberto Clement Watch, part of the Big Crown Collection, was a collaboration with the Robert Clemente Foundation. The watch pays tribute to the hall of fame and his humanitarian work as his 3,000 hits in the Major League. Throughout the years, Oris has produced many other limited-edition timepieces to honor barrier-breaking athletes.

    In House Movements

    All Oris watches are mechanical and meet the standards that go into the legally protected “Swiss-Made” designation.

    For most of its watches, Oris uses modular components and adds their own improvements. They developed a fully in-house movement and designed these movements independently, producing them with the aid of Swiss specialists.

    In 1984, Oris reaffirmed its commitment to producing only mechanical watches for hard-working but refined timepieces. The symbol of Oris mechanical watches is the red rotor, a Oris trademark; culture, diving, aviation, and motor-sport. Oris watches are made for everyday wear at an exceptional value.

    Diving Watches

    All Oris diving watches feature,

    Water resistance to at least 100m

    Unidirectional rotating bezels that protect the diver from accidentally lengthening their dive time

    Multiple potential configurations

    Specialized clasp system that helps divers secure a perfect fit for their watch over a wetsuit. The Safety Anchor ensures that a diver won’t lose their watch.

    Aviation Watches

    Oris has been making pilot watches with the debut of the Big Crown in 1938.

    The Oris Big Crown was re-released, and the popular configuration, the Big Crown Pointer Date, has a pointer that gives the date, slowly moving around the dial each month.

    The watch includes a stainless steel case or a bronze one for a more vintage feel. The watch is water resistant to 50m.

    The Big Crown Propilot is to a pilot what the diving watches are to the diver. Water-resistant to 100m, the watch comes in various configurations designed for today’s pilots.

    luxury watch

    Motorsport Collection

    In the seventies, Oris discovered the world of motor racing. A fraction of a second can make the difference in a win or not. The watch design specifically designed for the fans of motor sports, the watch leans towards masculine aesthetic.

    ‌The Oris Chronoris has an inner rotating bezel, and the Chronoris Chronograph watches has has inner dials and a tachymeter.‌

    Producing affordable watches with excellent quality is what Oris does. Whether you are a diver, pilot, sports fan, motor-sports fan, or any other person wanting a luxury watch with a realistic price, Oris has been producing watches since the company opened its first watch factory in 1911.

    If you want a watch with an automatic movement, Oris is the brand. If you need a watch with an altimeter, the Big Crown Propilot Altimeter is the watch to consider.

    There are several Oris motor sport watches

    Lambert Pawn Shop in Whittier CA

    Lambert Pawn Shop

    Lambert Pawn Shop is a full service shop licensed in California and serves the beautiful cities of Whittier, Rowland Heights, El Rancho, Hacienda Heights, La Habra Heights, East Whittier and La Habra, California. They pride themselves in providing financial services in a fast and courteous manner. With over 25 years of combined experience in the pawn industry, they have the flexibility to lend the maximum dollar amount possible on almost anything of value.

    Lambert Pawn has a large selection of previously owned luxury watches, including Rolex, IWC, and Oris watches. Their inventory change is often so check in from time to time. They have a convenient online store at

    By visiting Lambert Pawn Shop, you will get convenient solutions for short-term cash. They buy, sell, pawn, and trade on gold jewelry, platinum, silver, diamonds, and precious stones. They also accept and have for sale luxury watches, electronics, tools and musical instruments.

    If you are looking to pawn an item, or sell or trade an item, you don’t even have to leave your home, because they have a process for you to email them pictures and a description so you can get a quote right away.

  • Collecting Shoes – Designer Shoes – Does Owning Designer Sneakers and Shoes Make a Statement, or Is It A Hobby?

    Collecting Shoes – Designer Shoes – Does Owning Designer Sneakers and Shoes Make a Statement, or Is It A Hobby?

    Collecting Shoes – Designer Shoes – Does Owning Designer Sneakers and Shoes Make a Statement, or Is It A Hobby?

    Have today’s designer Footwear collectors changed much since the 1920s?

    In the 1920s, there may not have been “sneakerheads,” but there were indeed designer shoes. Oxford shoes were smooth leather with a cap toe. Lace-ups had 3-5 eyelets and were tied with round cord or flat ribbon ties.

    Flapper shoes could be described as simple plain pumps that were comfortable and pretty. Fancy Cuba heels or slender Spanish heels were the dressy shoes were for evening wear. Coco Chanel helped popularize the style.

    There are historical stories behind designer shoes and Sneakers worldwide.

    You have undoubtedly spent countless hours in shoes you’ve loved or hated. If not for work, standing for hours in line, or squeezing in the perfect pair of pumps for a friend’s wedding, shoes make a statement.

    Ever put on a pair of designer shoes just to impress a date or stand out at a greet and meet business function, quickly followed by plopping down on a chair at the end of the event to get the relief from taking the shoe off?

    designer shoes

    The Hip-Hop Era

    Fast forward to the 80s and 90s when the hip-hop era swoops into New York City.  The Fashion trend of what “kicks” your own hit the streets.

    New York is known for its fast pace lifestyle, and your attire speaks for itself. Footwear became known as “kicks,” and people who collected specific sneakers like Air Jordans, limited edition sneakers, or Adidas began to be known as sneakerheads.

    Sneakerhead Terminology

    Some call collecting sneakers a hobby, and others call it a way of life. The term “Sneakerhead” dates back to the 80s and 90s of hip-hop culture. A personal collection of sneakers gave their statement to the world. The sneakerhead culture developed its own sneakerhead terminology that set these collectors apart from daily wearers.

    Having a name in the culture is a must; better yet, having a specific “language” keeps the culture unique and pure.

    Sneakerhead Terms


    Any shoe with the words unauthorized, replica, B-grade, or super perfect means the shoes are fake. This means that the shoe, whether you are buying it at an original price tag or on a secondary market, understands that the materials used are not from the actual company, and even though the shoe may look good, it’s still fake.

    Air Jordan Shoes Air Force Ones


    This is the color scheme of the shoe. The colorway in a sneaker is as important as the model. A colorway with a well-known nickname is worth more than a colorway without.


    A beater is a well-worn sneaker. It is typically an older model shoe and won’t have a huge price tag. These shoes are used at the gym or on storming days. These are great for budget-minded sneakerheads looking to pick up decent old kicks and an affordable price.


    A release or re-release after the original release date. For instance, the original Air Jordan was released in 1992, and a re-release retro sneaker was released in 2011 and 2015.


    PP invoice is that meaning. eBay is where some of the top collectors of designer footwear get their collections. But eBay has a fee they take on each sale. So some sellers will put pp/inv, which means Pay Pal invoice saving them money. Also, PayPal offers to protect the buyer.

    Can your footwear really make or break a deal? Footwear is your image to the world. It speaks of your status in life and career.

    designer shoes


    This is a nickname for Kanye West and any designer sneaker he created or helped design. Kayne West is a rapper and designer and is a name of kicks by Nike and Adidas. The Nike Air Yeezy is one of the most desired pairs of sneakers out there.

    GR/Limited Editions:

    General release or GR sneakers are usually available and obtainable. The Limited Editions are more expensive. It’s all about supply and demand. Limited quantities are produced when producing limited editions. This drives the kick’s cost up because fewer pairs are available.


    These sneakers are a pair of sneakers the collector wants more than any other pair. The collector collecting sneakers will pay well over the retail price. It is a personal desire.


    “Black and Red” is like the colorway of the OG Air Jordan. The Bred colorway is a fan favorite. This colorway is a single colorway of kicks for the new collector.


    Deadstock. This pair of sneakers has never been tried on, worn, or put on a foot. VNDS stands for very near deadstock, and PADS is passed as deadstock. Worn in the sneaker culture means a pair of sneakers that no longer look new. The pair of sneakers may not be too old or beat up; they just don’t look new.

    Why Luxury and Designer Brands?

    Luxury sneakers and designer shoes brands include Jordan, Adidas, Golden Goose, Off-White, Berluti, Prada, Gucci, Coio, Jimmy Choo, Alexander McQueen, Manolo Blahnik, and more. A luxury shoe is made with extraordinary craftsmanship.

    Luxury shoes are not only sneakers. You have probably noticed that not all shoes wear the same, look the same, or have the same comfort, style, and class.

    Luxury shoes are expensive and rare. They aren’t commonplace. There is a limited supply, and because of this, the cost of the shoe increases. The Nike Air Mag 2016 only manufactured 89 pairs of shoes.

    Luxury shoes like the coveted pairs in the Nike Jordan line are works of art. How about the eye appeal of a Gucci Boot with Crystals with a price tag of US$4900?

    Designer shoes and sneakers all have quality stitching, use quality materials, and may have unique hand-painted patterns or embellishments. They are appealing to the eye, and the detail is meticulous.

    Luxury shoes last long because of the craftsmanship and materials used. Leather is the most common material used in a luxury shoes. Sometimes the shoe will have diamond embellishments that reflect the wearers’ taste.

    Air Jordan

    How Do People Get Started Collecting Designer Shoes?

    Oh, the wee years. Grandma, mama, daddy, uncle, and granddad decide to spend some time with a little one and find themselves going to stores to find the best deal on a new pair of “cute” baby Jordan tennis shoes or the latest “sweet” patent leather pump to go with the dress they just bought their little girl.

    And now the desire begins…

    Other times you have had a rough week at work, and you need a little shopping therapy with your significant other. You find yourself going to stores to admire the shoes and end up coming home with a starter collection of designer heels or sneakers.

    Retail therapy also includes our online shopping for the perfect pair of shoes. Part of the shopping therapy is the “hunt” for the perfect pair of shoes at the perfect price.

    Today, teens can obtain some high-end sneakers or designer pumps from their parent’s income, as gifts from their grandparents, or from bartering with friend groups.

    Some of the highest consumers of shoes are teenagers.

    In 2022, teenagers who know the Sneakerhead “play box” and ins and outs of designer shoe shopping have made full-time jobs from collecting. There are no age requirements for becoming a collector. You can start at your local pawn shops.

    Sneakers go through a proprietary tech plate form before being listed. Then you have human authenticators that carefully inspect each shoe before it gets the official stamp and goes out on the retail floor or listed in the online shop.

    The fact of the matter is, if Generation-Z teenagers can become entrepreneurs, then anyone can.

    Nike Air Jordans, Yeezy’s, and Balenciaga’s have high price tags. Gucci, Jimmy Choo, and Stuart Weitzman are investments, but if you do invest in these brands, you can make back your money quickly. Designer shoes and sneakers hold their value.

    Collecting Sneakers and Luxury Shoes Is an Experience


    Louis Vuitton

    Louis Vuitton

    Consumers often relate the name Louis Vuitton to luxury handbags and accessories. The company also makes designer shoes.

    To shop and purchase a Louis Vuitton designer shoe is a true experience in the elite world of luxury.

    Louis Vuitton was a French Fashion Designer and businessman. As the founder of the brand and vested in making certain the design, craftsmanship, and premium materials used were above reproach, he found his way into the hearts of Royal clients and the elite.

    In 1872, Louis Vuitton made his mark with his new line featuring beige monogrammed designs and the brand’s well-known red stripe.

    His design remained a part of the fashion designers’ world long after his death in 1892. By 1954 the Vuitton monogram was the most recognizable logo in the world.

    Fast forward to 2022, Louis Vuitton is still a brand known for its high-end shoes. If you take collecting seriously, then any Louis Vuitton pair of shoes is a must!


    Chanel shoes are an experience; it is like getting to put your feet into heaven. Chanel was founded by Coco Chanel in 1910. Gabrielle Chanel received her nickname from her time spent as a chanteuse. Chanel revolutionized women’s shoes when the Chanel slingback shoes were debuted in 1957.

    Chanel designed the timeless “little black dress,” it was obvious the dress needed Chanel accessories and shoes to complement it. The two-toned shoe was released in 1957 and is known as the “last point of elegance,” according to Vogue magazine.

    All Chanel shoes are made in France and Italy. With attention to design, detail, and style, Chanel shoes are an investment well worth the cost.

    Keep the original box, store them safely, and if worn carefully, the shoes will bring a good resale value.


    The Yeezy sneaker is a part of an exclusive line of shoes. If you are lucky enough to own a pair, you own a part of an exclusive line of shoes for those who demand exclusivity because the brand focuses on the unique needs of a certain group.

    Kanye West has a reputation that the Yeezy show will provide a slick design, cloud-like comfort, and part of the fond memories of owning a limited edition shoe.

    The Air Yeezy 2 SP “Red October” is the most expensive Yeezy shoe ever sold. These shoes were part of a limited edition series and were sold for up to US$11,400.

    If you are looking for your first pair of Air Jordan shoes, multiple pairs of the same model shoe, player-exclusive shoes, and shoes with original boxes at a better price than buying new ones, look at a pawn shop.

    People have mistakenly thought pawnshops are sleazy, dark, dishonest, and only work with consumers who are down on their lunch and need fast cash.

    This isn’t the case. Pawnshops nationwide are an industry that provides an alternative financial solution to people who need fast cash, have luxury and designer products that are either new or pre-owned at an affordable price, sometimes pennies above market value, and have a free appraisal and authentication services.


    Living in Whittier, CA, or one of the surrounding communities, head over to Lampert Pawn Shop if you are hit with sneaker itch.

    Lambert Pawn Shop in Whittier CA

    Lambert Pawn Shop

    Located in Whittier, CA, and serving the communities of East LA, the pawnbrokers at the shop have a vast knowledge of the sneaker game and designer footwear. If you want to find out if your designer footwear is authentic, the Lambert Pawn Shop should be your go-to.

    Maybe you have been collecting designer shoes and sneakers for the last decade and are one of the original sneakerheads, but if you want to liquidate a pair or two, Lambert Pawn is the place to go.

    The small town feel, knowledgeable and friendly team, and the company’s ability to buy, sell, and pawn designer shoes make them the place to go in the sneaker community.

    Need to buy shoes to quench that thirst for a new pair to add to your collection, check with the store to see if they have a Nike Air Force 1, or know another shop that does.

    Lambert Pawn Shop understands that designer shoes and sneakers retain their value if well taken care of, and if you have the original box, they will consider this when offering to buy your sneaker collection or shoe.

    It is not unusual for rare sneakers to show up at Lambert Pawn. There would be something extra special if you found a Michael Jordan – Air Jordan 12s Time that sold for $104,795, Nike Dunks, Galaxy Foamposite, or a pair of Gucci designer shoes at the pawn shop instead of having to shop eBay, auction houses, or somewhere else on the sneaker resale market.

    One never knows what becomes available at a classy pawn shop like Lambert Pawn.

    To help a new sneaker collector shop with confidence, all of their products have been vetted to ensure that it hasn’t been stolen and is genuine.

    Sneaker collectors and designer shoe connoisseurs won’t be disappointed when they shop at Lambert Pawn Shop.

  • The Results Of Shopping at Pawn Shops For Musical Instruments Will Be Music To Your Ears

    The Results Of Shopping at Pawn Shops For Musical Instruments Will Be Music To Your Ears

    The Results Of Shopping at Pawn Shops For Musical Instruments Will Be Music To Your Ears

    Have you ever wanted to play one of the beautiful bass guitars, violins, mandolins, ukuleles, flutes, saxophones, clarinets, or drums? How about acoustic guitars and electric guitars with their majestic sounds? Maybe you have a natural ear for music and have been playing instruments for a long time and want to add to your collection of musical wonder. Shop at pawn shops for musical instruments.

    pawn shops for musical instruments guitars
    Classical Spanish Guitar Outside. Music And Nature

    Pawn Shops For Musical Instruments Will Have:


    The guitar is of the most played instruments in the world. It is versatile, flexible, and portable, which is a plus in the very mobile world we live in.

    Mythology gives Hermes credit for creating the first kithara (guitar) from a tortoise shell, but the exact origin of the guitar is a mystery.

    The ancient instrument was made with a wooden soundboard and box-shaped body, and the body worked as a resonator. The original guitars only had three strings running from the crossbar to the lower end of the instrument, and there was a bridge on the soundboard.

    The instruments were played with a plectrum or something similar to a modern pick. The musician would use his left-hand fingers to reduce the vibration from the unwanted strings. Sometimes both hands were used to pluck strings. Some later versions of the instruments had up to twelve strings.

    A strap was attached to the instrument to help the player with mobility and handling.

    pawn shops for musical instruments Oud & Lute
    Close-up on Turkish Oud while playing

    Over time the shape of the guitar has changed. There are some views that the Oud and Lute during the time of Noah’s grandfather (the sixth grandson of Adam and Eve) had a similar guitar-shaped instrument, the Oud.

    The Lute came in different shapes and sizes but most had a curved back. The instrument passed from Egypt to Greece and then to Rome and took it to Europe. The first picture of a Lute was an instrument of a female crouching on a boat with her hands on the instrument playing it.

    Both short and long neck Lutes were documented on pictorial records on clay tablets and papyrus paper. By the end of the Renaissance, many Lutes had up to thirty strings, but the shape was fading. By the 16th century, the instruments featured the curved shape we associate with guitars.

    These guitars were found in Spain and were known as Baroque guitars. Gut strings and moveable frets added to the appeal of these instruments because they were easier to play.

    The curved sides of a guitar started appearing with the vihuela, and the body shape of this instrument was like an hourglass. It was popular in Spain, Portugal, and Italy, and Mariachi groups continue to use vihuelas today.

    By 1790 the Spanish guitars had a standard shape much like today’s guitars. In the mid-1800s, Antonio de Torres Jurado created the style of guitars that today’s guitars follow. He was considered one of the most important inventors in the history of the guitar.

    These guitars were broader, thinned bellies with an increased curve at the waist. Machine heads replaced wooden tuning pegs giving better quality and durability. The fan bracing he used is the wooden strut system that gives guitars their rich tone.

    pawn shops for musical instruments Fender Guitar
    A Fender Stratocaster Guitar

    During this time, Europeans brought a steel-stringed version of the Spanish instrument into America. The modern guitar took on a new shape, flat top, archtop, and moved towards the electric guitar.

    The Fender Stratocaster has been around since 1954. The Strat is easy to modify and simple to maintain and repair, and it has an iconic sound making it one of the most popular guitars today.

    Buying your first musical instrument may be daunting to the newbie. There are new guitars in music stores and online. Mesmerized by their beauty, you may want to buy the perfect one, new and shiny, until you look at the price tag. A new basic, starter-level guitar can cost about US$200. All things considered and how often you will use it, this is relatively cheap.

    But what happens if it doesn’t interest you or you decide not to stick to it? Maybe you will decide on one of the different instruments available? An affordable alternative to a brick-and-mortar music store or an online store is to look at a pawn shop for an affordable option.

    musical instruments

    Pawn shops buy, sell and pawn against quality musical instruments. Sometimes a person loses interest in the instruments they have, or they want to upgrade, so they choose to sell musical instruments they own to the pawn shop, knowing that pawn shops pay top dollar for quality merchandise. In other situations, a customer might need quick cash, and they have a collection of instruments they are willing to use as collateral for a short-term loan.

    Pawn shops will look at the brand of instruments brought into the shop and access its value while comparing it to the current market value. They will determine if the musical instrument is something they can sell and then offer a fair price. If a customer is a borrower, they will make and offer. The value of the collateral has to cover the cost of the loan and the amount requested. If all is in order, no matter if you are selling musical instruments or getting a loan, you will walk out the door with quick money.

    The condition of the instruments being considered will affect the assessed value. Also, the model, gear, retail value, and top brands will bring more money.

    Lambert Pawn Shop in Whittier CA

    Lambert Pawn Shop

    Lambert Pawn Shop is a full-service California licensed pawn shop located in the beautiful city of Whittier, CA. With over 25 years of combined experience as pawnbrokers, they have the flexibility to lend the maximum dollar amount possible on almost anything of value.

    The pawn shop is a convenient solution for short-term cash. The loan, buy, sell and trade on items including gold, jewelry, platinum and silver, diamond, and precious stone. In addition to these items, they make jewelry, electronics, tools, guns, and musical instruments.

    Whether you are looking to pawn an item, sell or trade an item, click to email them a picture and description of what you’d like to bring in. They will give you a quote right away.

    That’s right- you don’t even have to leave your home! There’s never any pressure to act; they aim to make this an easy process!

  • How Are Consumers Supposed To Know the Difference Between Authentic Luxury Handbags and A Fake?

    How Are Consumers Supposed To Know the Difference Between Authentic Luxury Handbags and A Fake?

    How Are Consumers Supposed To Know the Difference Between Authentic Luxury Handbags and A Fake?

    The ideal situation would be to avoid purchasing a counterfeit luxury handbag like a Louis Vuitton, Gucci, or Chanel. But most people are entirely unaware of the severe issues behind fake designer handbags and fashion accessories, when shopping for luxury handbags. 

    There is a whole industry producing counterfeit handbags and fakes.

    According to Angie Houston, founder of, a website that offers authentication services for buyers and sellers of designer bags and other luxury goods. She reports that of the bags she authenticates, abou7 75% to 80% of the bags are fake.

    In 2018 counterfeiting is the largest criminal enterprise in the world, with domestic and international sales of counterfeit and pirated goods totaling between $1.7 million and $4.5 trillion a year.

    The sheer volume of counterfeit handbags and other illegal fashion accessories poses a risk for consumers. How are consumers supposed to know the difference between a genuine, authentic designer handbag and a knockoff?

    luxury handbags

    Purchasing an authentic version is best achieved by purchasing from an authentic brand boutique like Louis Vuitton, a licensed retailer like Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, or one of the others. A drawback is the vast majority of these products from the name brands will come with a hefty price, and designer handbags aren’t cheap.

    Sporting one of the beautiful Louis Vuitton Handbags you received as a gift added to your self-esteem and helped you present the image you wanted to. To find out that the handbag was a Louis Vuitton look-alike is embarrassing and frustrating and a learning experience for the giver who thought the bag was authentic.

    Selling counterfeit luxury items is breaking the law. Justifying the practice by saying that the sellers are just giving people what they want at a bargain price or the luxury companies have more than enough money to share is simply justification. The practice is wrong.

    Knowingly buying a knockoff supports an illegal industry and encourages other dishonest manufacturers to fill the market with fake original designs.

    Unknowingly honest shoppers looking to purchase one of the lovely designer handbags may be fooled by counterfeit handbags. It is easy to do and caught in the emotion of getting a “good deal” adds to a purchaser letting down their guard and not checking the styles, date codes, stitching, clasps, and other tell-tale characteristics of a real thing versus falling for one of the fake bags on the market.

    Most popular designer handbags that are trending today will have a fake designer bag look alike. Look on Amazon, and you may find that counterfeit handbag sellers have flocked to the business to sell counterfeits, and they do so with ease. When you see Gucci bags that have the same price as the tennis shoes you bought at a local shoe mart, you know these are fake. The hard ones to find that are fake are the handbags that seemingly are authentic and carry a similar price as the real thing, and the purchaser is none the wiser.

    Purchasers don’t have a training guide about how to authentic handbags, nor do they have authentication apps. They depend on the honesty and expertise of the shop they buy the purse from.

    Secondhand stores, online stores, and pre-owned purse stores may get one pulled over on them and, unfortunately, have counterfeit handbags in their inventory.

    Luxury Handbags and post holiday cash

    Finding Luxury Handbags at a Pawn Shop

    Pawn shops are a great place to find pre-owned luxury items like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, and Hermes handbags.

    Pawn shops will buy, sell, and loan against designer handbags. Remember, they are a business and need to make sure that whatever article they are considering making a deal on has to be authentic. Most pawn shops have apps and equipment to authenticate the items they make deals on. It would simply be poor business practices if they sold knockoffs or counterfeits. They wouldn’t stay in business very long, and they couldn’t resale the items for what they spent on them.

    Pawn shops use training guides, apps like Entrupy, and checklists to ensure they don’t get tricked into buying a fake Louis Vuitton, Gucci, or another designer handbag. They are experts.

    Luxury Handbags

    There are some things you can do as a purchaser to help decrease the risk of buying counterfeit handbags.

    1. Check the cost of the handbag. It is inexpensive. Does it even make sense that the bag is the real thing?

    2. Know the materials used in the designer handbags you prefer. Is the quality of the material used in the bag you are looking at similar?

    3. How about the hardware. Is it consistent with the name brands you know?

    4. Pay very close attention to the stitch work. Counterfeit bags are getting better at replicating stitchwork, but you can tell the difference. So look.

    5. Specific name brands have specific linings they use in the different designer styles. Does the lining look like it should?

    6. The logo and serial numbers may tell you something. There are examples on the internet and social media of what to look for.

    7. Are there answers in the pockets? A fake bag may have pockets inconsistent with name brands.

    Lambert Pawn Shop in Whittier CA

    Shopping for designer handbags at Lambert Pawn in Whittier, CA, is one of the best decisions you can make when shopping for an authentic version at a good deal.

    Conveniently located at 14158 Lambert Rd., Whittier, CA 90605; 562-945-0290, the experts at the shop are reading to help you when you are ready to purchase a pre-owned luxury handbag. Knowing the handbag style you like may help you as you look through their inventory.

    They are skilled at authenticating luxury bags and other luxury items that are the latest trends in the market today. They will work with you to get you a great deal on a Chanel, Gucci, or Louis Vuitton bag. They are always looking to authenticate and value pre-owned bags for pawn or sale.

    They turn away all counterfeit sellers and any counterfeit product that comes through their door. As an honest, knowledgable, and transparent pawn shop, they are considered a safe place in the resale market to buy pre-owned handbags.

    Luxury Handbags

    Currently, Lambert Pawn has a beautiful Louis Vuitton Bellevue GM in Amarante Vernis Patent Leather. It is in good condition with some signs of wear, and it comes with a certificate of authenticity through Entrupy, a handbag authenticator.  Carrying this bag will add class, style, and worth to your handbags and the styles you have in your closet. Buying secondhand through the pawnshop will save you money and reassure you that what you are purchasing is not counterfeit.